“learn to do good;
seek justice,
correct oppression;
bring justice to the fatherless,
plead the widow’s cause.”
-Paul and Anna Adin-
Director of Church Planting
I first met Paul Adin in 2007 as our family moved to Ghana to ministry under WAMM. Paul was working with Word of Life, doing evangelism outreach and bible clubs in various schools. Paul was young, energetic, funny and excited about ministry. He had begun his formal training, but the man who was leading the Bible College he attended had recently passed away, leaving no one to teach the handful of students.
Since that time, Paul has matured tremendously. He got married to his wife Anna, graduated from Marantha University College (formerly SIM’s training school/Bible College), planted Hope Community Baptist Church (HCBC), had three children (the first two twins), started a Christian School as a ministry of HCBC, and is now leading WAMM’s church planting efforts in Nsawam.
Paul and Anna are doing a marvelous job at HCBC and are excited about and committed to evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We thank God for bringing Pastor Paul and Anna into our ministry and look forward to seeing all that God is going to do through this amazing couple.
-Ebenezer & Gifty Yeboua-
Ebenezer Yeboua and his wife, Gifty, have been happily married since 2022. Their marriage is built on faith, love, and a deep commitment to serving God. They are both dedicated members of their church, actively involved in its growth and ministry.
Ebenezer has been part of the church since its beginning in 2016 and was among the first group of people to be baptized. His journey of faith has been marked by dedication and steadfastness, making him a pillar in the church community. Ebeneezer has been chosen to be the church planting pastor of the new church in Odeikrom.
Gifty has a passion for worship and serves as a singer in the church, using her voice to glorify God and lead others into His presence. Together, she and Ebenezer are a shining example of a Christ-centered marriage, inspiring those around them with their faith and devotion to God’s work.
Their love for Jesus is evident in their lives, and they continue to be a blessing to their church and community, living as faithful servants of God.
-Emmanuel Jeremiah and Jennifer Amenyo-
Emmanuel Jeremiah Amenyo is another one of the men Pastor Paul has selected to help witht he church planting efforts in the Nsawam area. Emmanuel was a classmate of Pastor Paul's at Maranatha Bible University where he received a two year diploma for pastoral studies. His desire is to finish his bachelor's degree as resources allow. He has recently moved to Nsawam at Pastor Paul's invitation to assist in church planting.
Emmanuel and his wife, Jennifer, have been joyfully married since 2023. Their union is rooted in faith, love, and a shared passion for God’s work. They are both actively involved in their church, dedicating their time and talents to the service of God. Their marriage reflects their deep love for Christ and their desire to serve Him wholeheartedly. They continue to be a source of encouragement and inspiration to their church family and beyond.
Jennifer is gifted in singing and plays an important role in the church’s worship team, using her voice to uplift and inspire others in worship. Alongside Emmanuel, she is committed to spreading the gospel and making a meaningful impact in the lives of those around them.