-Paul and Anna Adin-

Meet Paul Adin. I did not say Paula Dean, though if you say both names quickly they sound exactly the same. Paula Dean is a cook from the southern United States. Paul Adin is a church planter and evangelist extraordinaire in Nsawam, Ghana.

Paul and his wife Anna moved to Nsawam in 2016 to start a new church. Paul found a community that needed the gospel. So he, partnering with a church in northern Virginia, started Hope Community Baptist Church later that same year. Since that time, he and his wife have had three children, built a house and have led the church family of HCBC.

But that is not all. Paul has also continued his involvement in church planting. HCBC has already started one new church and currently (early 2025) are looking to start a second church in a neighboring community. The goal is for the first church service in Odeikrom to be held on Easter Sunday morning, 2025.

Paul has a heart for the gospel and for gospel preaching churches. Paul has been unconventional in his church planting, not waiting for the “right time” nor looking for a community that could support a church. Paul looks for areas where there are people who need the gospel but have no gospel witness. That is his church-planting strategy. Bring the gospel to people who need it and that is often in rather impoverished communities in Ghana.

If you would like more information about church planting, continue reading or contact us using the contact information provided. We’d love to help you get involved.